'ad.dic.tion \ e-'dik-shen\ n 1 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance   2 : the quality or state of being addicted  3 : being abnormally dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming

'ad.dict \ e-'dikt\ n 1 : one who is addicted, as to a narcotic  2 : a devoted believer or follower 3 : someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance; abrupt deprivation of the substance produces withdrawal symptoms

Think these definitions don't apply to you ?

Think again. Denial is one of the hallmarks of addiction.

LA Confidential  Those rumors in the tabloids... true or false? For weeks we've been hearing conflicting stories about Britney and Justin breaking up, but now - finally - US Weekly has the skinny and all of the speculation can be put to rest.

'ar.gu.ment \ ar-gyu-ment\ n 1 : a reason offered in proof  2 : discourse intended to persuade 3 : QUARREL

It's been years since Britney started raising eyebrows and causing a furor with her fashion choices, but the controversy continues. Read some of it here. Most recent articles appear at the top. Some of the links won't work until the galleries are restored.

'ab.do.men \ 'ab-do-men\ n 1 : the cavity in or area of the body between the chest and the pelvis   2 : the part of the body posterior to the thorax in an arthropod  

ab.dom.i.nal dom.i.na.tion \ ab-'dom-i-nal dom-i-'na-shun\ n 1 : having the most celebrated abdomen in recent history 

How in the world did Britney get those incredibly defined abdominal muscles? And can you have abs like hers? Find out!

The author of this site doesn't know Britney Spears and isn't affiliated with Britney Spears or Jive Records. As far as the author knows, all photographs on this site belong to the public domain. The author claims no rights to photographs that appear on this site. Please don't use the e-mail link at the bottom of this page to write to Britney Spears; it isn't her e-mail address, she won't read the e-mail, and it won't be forwarded to her. You can try writing to Britney at her official site.

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